Dental Fixtures

Cosmetic, orthodontic, and dental implant centers feature a selection of specialists, consultants, and university professors under the supervision of Dr. Noura Radwan in all dental specialties.

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Dental prosthesis is a procedure through which the doctor replaces the missing teeth with other artificial teeth, and these teeth perform the function of natural teeth and also have a role in improving the appearance of the smile.

To know more about dental combinations and types? Who are the candidates to use these combinations? And the prices of dental fixtures, you can follow the following article, with Dr. Noura Radwan, a specialist in dentistry and cosmetic dentistry, so continue reading with us.

Why is Dr. Noura Radwan Center the best?

Dr. Noura Radwan Center is considered one of the best medical centers that provide dental prosthodontics. The center also has many advantages, including the following:

  • The latest and best technologies used in dental prosthodontics are used.
  • Continuous follow-up with the client to maintain dental fixtures for a long time.
  • It provides medical services at the highest level.
  • The cost of installing teeth inside Dr. Noura Radwan Center is suitable for all groups.

See the results of dental implants before and after in the following pictures:

Dental implant process

They are artificial fixtures that the doctor resorts to in order to compensate the client for missing teeth, and they have two types: fixed dental prostheses and mobile dental prostheses, and the appropriate type for the client is determined according to the state of his healthy teeth.

Candidates for dental implant surgery

Dentists always advise quickly fixing teeth after losing them, but there are some conditions that must be met to ensure you achieve the best results, including:

  • The person must be in good health and not suffer from chronic diseases.
  • Control blood sugar levels if the patient suffers from diabetes.
  • That the patient has strong bones in the jaw.
  • The gums should be healthy and not suffer from inflammation.

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Types of dental implants and their prices

The prices of fixtures vary according to their types, as there are two types of fixtures, which are fixed fixtures and movable fixtures. You can follow the following lines to know them in detail.

Advice after dentures

Dr. Noura Radwan, a dental specialist in Egypt, recommends many tips that help us maintain dental fixtures, the most important of which are:

  • Avoid chewing hard and hard foods on the formula.
  • Do not open canned food with your teeth.
  • Maintaining clean teeth and brushing them permanently and continuously.
  • Continuous follow-up with the doctor.
  • Use a soft toothbrush.
  • The person should soak the moving formula for 8 hours in a medicated solution.
  • Make sure to place a bowl of water under the movable fixture while cleaning it to protect it if it fall.